If I had to do a list with all the things that I love from Barcelona I don't think I would be able to end it, so I'm just going to say one of the things I would write: "I love the fact that in less than half an hour I can find myself walking in the middle of the forest". Is there any better way to go to the forest than wearing a country outfit? And besides going to the forest, you can also wear it as an everyday outfit, if you want to go confy and warm around the city.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Get to know Sandra, BOBO's creator
There’s a point in your life when you’re done with university and you have to choose what to do with your life. Some decide to start working for big companies while others decide to start their own ones. That’s what Sandra did and how BOBO was born. As she finished her career, she decided to create her own handbags brand as she’s a fashion lover and she wanted to apply everything that she had learned during the past years in something that she was and still is very passionate about it. She started creating her own handbags and selling them to friends and relatives.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Fall essentials: The plaid blanket scarf
If I had to choose a 'TOP TREND' accessory of this season, this would be the 'Plaid blanket scarf'. You can find them everywhere, form the pages of Vogue to any store in town. They are easy to combine, you probably have already one at home and they can become your best friend in one of those cold and windy days.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Fall colors
There's one thing I miss form the fall in the northern countries and it's that day that you wake up and suddenly everything looks like someone as been painting all the trees with "fall colors". But on the other hand, I wont change the fact that even though it's November, we have so many sunny days that allow me to walk around wearing just a sweater.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Today I’m finally able to talk about a project in which I’ve been working for several weeks now and that I’m very excited to share with all of you. I’m going to start writing some post about brands that have been born and raised up in Barcelona by young and creative people who now, are sharing their experiences with me and the blog. The reason why I’m doing this is because I love it and I want to inspire as many people as I can to persecute the things they like and who knows, maybe to start their own brand.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Sunday funday
Sunday funday, or at least that's what Sundays are supposed to be. Mine was not that fun because of my lovely engineering, but anyway, I had a great time having brunch with my little sister. We went to the Meatpacking Bistro, and I had some Eggs Benedict that are by far my favorite dish for brunch.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Smells like summer
The fact that summer is almost here is a fact that everybody knows, but that doesn't mean that it really feels like. Until a few days ago I was still feeling that it was more like March instead of June, but things changed the morning I woke up and while I was having breakfast I saw that the backyard had turned from green into white. The jasmine flowers have arrived and for me that's the signal that summer is here.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
An original dress code
Last Saturday I had a birthday party in one of my favorite restaurants 'Torre de Alta Mar', if you ever come to Barcelona I truly recommend you to go, the views are amazing, it's just next to the beach and of course everything tastes great! The dress code for the night was to wear something that represented what summer means for you.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Keep it simple
I know it has been a long time since the last time I wrote a post, but that doesn't mean that I didn't want to or that I didn't like to do it anymore. The reason is that I just didn't have time, but now that summer is almost here, I'm finally going to have more free time and that means that a bunch of new things are going to be coming out on this blog.

Today's outfit is a basic and simple one, but at the same time it has is own charm. I'm a big fan of blazers and sandals. I like to combine them with dresses during summer nights, but also with jeans when is not that warm and I still want to wear them. The clue are the complements. In this occasion, I decided to add this MK handbag as I wanted to look a little more classy but without disturbing the simplicity of the outfit.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Baby Blue
Spring is almost here and that means that is time to wear pastel colors again. Today it has been a very nice sunny day and I decided to combine this crop sweater that I got a few weeks ago with an all in black outfit, so my outfit was a mixt between the winter that is ending and the spring that soon will show up!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
An empty beach and a classy jacket
Today I went for lunch to Arenys de Mar. It's a small town next to the beach near Barcelona where they have very nice restaurants. It was supposed to rain today, but fortunately it didn't start until late this afternoon and as a consequence there beach was empty. It was so nice to walk around there with the family. As the weather wasn't very cold, today I've been able to wear one of my favorite jackets combined with a very simple all in black outfit.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Put some sparkles in your life
A few posts ago I wrote about how much I like to do different combinations with all my clothes, mixing prints, textures... I started doing this a few month ago because it's a way to reuse a bunch of clothes that other ways I would only use a few times. This is the case f this shorts with sparkles that I bought a few seasons ago and that I've only used them a few times to go out, but the other day I decided to wear them during the day and well, this outfit is the result of my experiment.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Sunglasses time
As I have blue eyes, I can't live without sunglasses. I always have a pair of sunglasses with me, I doesn't matter if it's winter or summer, sunny or cloudy, I never know when I'm going to need them. That's also why it's such a big deal for me to find sunglasses that I like, well that I like, that the quality of the glasses is good, that I don't look weird with them and a bunch of more things. It took me more that a year to find ones that work with all my expectations.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
For those cold and rainy days
Todays post is about the outfit that I was wearing two days ago in Paris. The weather there was cold and rainy, a little bit different than the weather I'm used to. An essential in my wardrobe is a pair of rain boots and some cozy socks to wear with them, because something that really pisses me off is to have cold feet, something that is really common when you wear rain boots in a cold day. My solution was the socks that I'm wearing with this outfit, they are really warm! I like them so much that I bought a new pair this season so I can match them with everything. I also like to use my rain boots as a way to add some color to these days that everything seems to look grey and that's why I decided to buy this ones that are very colorful and are easy to combine.
Headband: Saks fifth avenue
Coat: ZARA
Jacket: CocoNut
Scarf: old
Handbag: Longchamp
Boots: Hunter
Socks: Hunter
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Second day in Paris
Today is our second day in Paris and we have been walking around this amazing city during the whole day. This morning we went to Montmartre and then we went to the Tour Eiffel. Unfortunately, it started rainning when we arrived there, but that didn't stop us of taking a bunch of pictures. We also visited Notre Same, Galeries Lafollete, the Jardins of Luxembourg, the Pantheon and a bunch of more amazing places around here. There are so many interesting places to visit here that I still don't know how I'm going to visit everything during the two days that we have left. Now we are going out for dinner and then time to rest and get some energy for tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Ohlala Paris!!
Today's post is a mixt from all the pictures that we took today around Paris. We woke up at 3:30 because out plane was leaving at 6, but well it was worth it because we visited a bunch of places today and I love this city. The only bad thing is the weather, today we had sun, rain, wind... Anyway, I'm so happy to be here, as you can see in the pictures,we are having a lot of fun!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The perfect winter day
Today is one of those cold and sunny winter days that you have to go outside and enjoy the weather and the fresh air. That's why this morning after a very nice breakfast I went for a walk around the city with some friends. It feels so good to have some free time and be able to do all those little things that I love to do but I usually don't have time. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris and I'll try to write a few posts from there, I'm so excited that I'm finally able to visit this amazing city. If you have any recommendation let me know!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Walking around Madrid (1)
Todays post is about my visit to Madrid this last days. I was really excited with this trip because I wanted to go to Madrid for a very long time, but most important because I wanted to visit two really good friends that I have there and are a very important part of my everyday.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Barcelona Fashion week
This week is one of the most important of the year in Barcelona when we are talking about fashion. The reason of that is the celebration of the "080 Barcelona". During these days everything is going around this event. Every year they do it in a different part of the city and this year they are doing it in "El Born".
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Lace and silk details
Yesterday afternoon after my exam, I went for a little walk around the city and well, I ended in Zara checking their sales and as it usually happens, I ended finding an outfit that I can't wait to wear. I first found the shorts and little after, while I was thinking how to combine them, I ended with a bunch of T-shirts on my hands. At the ended I decided to get one from the new collection that I really like because it's simple, but has some silk details that make it special.
Monday, January 20, 2014
My new morning routine
Energy. That's something that I need every morning, specially those days that the only thing I want to do is to stay in bed and don't do anything. For a long time, my solution to my lack of energy during the morning was a big cup of coffee, but recently, I decided to change this routine for something a little bit more healthy and with the same or even more 'energy'.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Because this is MY bag
Yes, this is my handbag and anyone else has the same one. I've been looking for a long time for a new handbag to use for my everyday. It has been hard to find a bad that I like, that is resistant, good quality and that I like. The Longchamp bags have always been a good alternative, but I wasn't very sure about it because they are very simple and I feel that everybody is wearing the same one just in different colors.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Dresses, dresses and more dresses
Dresses, dresses and more dresses. This is what happens the day after the Golden Globe Awards, that everybody is talking about the dresses that the stars where wearing yesterday night, and well, that's also why I'm talking about it today on this post.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Wild denim
One of the most popular trends this season is the combination of different kinds of textures and prints, combinations that usually we wouldn't do but that they actually look good. I really like this trend because it's a way to create different outfits with the clothes that we already have, but in a way that they look completely different.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Finals & sales
For many people yesterday was an important day. For those who are fashion lovers it was the beginning of sales (probably one of the craziest days of the year). But it was also an important day to many students because it was the beginning of the final exams! In my case, my day was important because of the both things! Unfortunately exams go first and that's also the reason why I haven't been able to upload the blog during this last days, I've spent all my time studying studying and studying engineering. And this is how it's going to be until the end of this month.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Bye Bye 2013, Hello 2014!
Day 1. New chapter. New year. New post. I bet you all had an awesome night last night, mine was great. I feel so blessed that I've been able to start the year surrounded by my friends and the people I love. Last year I was far away from home, and thanks to that, this new years eve was more especial than usually. Probably the bet thing is that we didn't plan anything until yesterday afternoon, you know, sometimes the best plans are those that you didn't plan.
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